Hunting in Romania

Romania has a long history of hunting and remains a remarkable hunting destination, drawing many hunters because of its large numbers of brown bears, wolves, wild boars, deer and chamois.

A high percentage (47% of the land area) of the country is covered with natural and semi-
natural ecosystems. Since almost half of all forests in Romania (13% of the country) have been managed for watershed conservation rather than production, Romania has one of the largest areas of undisturbed forest in Europe.

The integrity of Romanian forest ecosystems is indicated by the presence of the full range of European forest fauna, including 60% and 40% of all European brown bears and wolves, respectively.

Interesting facts about Romania

Bear Hunting

According to CIC, the world record Eurasian brown bear trophy skin (687.79 CIC points) was shot in Romania in 1985, and for the skull trophy, Romania has 2nd place (69.30 points), while 1st place (70.0 CIC points) was shot in Kamchatka, Russia.

Chamois Hunting

According to the CIC, Romania accounts for the top world record chamois trophy at 141.1 CIC points, shot in Făgăraş in 1937, and unbeaten since, along with other seven of the world's top ten trophies.

Stag Hunting

With good numbers, and of fine quality, Romania possessed many times the world record, last of which, between 1981–1985, with a trophy of 261.25 CIC, points. Current national record is 264.51 CIC points

Wolf Hunting

Since 1997, Romania has the International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation (CIC) world record of wolf skin (186.17 points), and a national CIC skull record of 45.30 points.

Wild Boar Hunting

National record for wild boar (tusk trophy) is of 144.0 CIC, points. Most boars taken are weighting between 130 – 180 kg, with sometimes old, solitary males up to 270kg.

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